Miyerkules, Marso 12, 2014

Ragay Gulf - a must see paradise in the Philippines

This majestic view is a large gulf in the Philippines that is found in Camarines Sur and a part of Sibuyan Sea. It is called the Ragay Gulf.

Photo References:

Japan’s Lessons on the Economy and the Environment

Today, we are seeing that Japan is one of the most prosperous countries in the Asia and even in the whole world. In fact, according to statistics, it is the 3rd largest in the world on nominal gross domestic product, the 4th largest by purchasing power parity, 3rd largest in automobile manufacturing country, and the 2nd largest developed economy in the world. And we all know that Japan is known for its high-tech products like computers, phones, tablets and many more that are exported worldwide.

But before they reached this level, they have first earned the status of being a worryingly polluted country. The countrymen had experienced diseases that are produced by heavy industrial developments.

Back in 1908, Minamata City had been illed by Minamata disease. The people there suffered with neurological syndrome that is characterized by unresponsiveness of hands and feet, damage in hearing and speaking, paralysis, comatose, uncontrollable shaking of the body, and extreme physical disabilities. This disease is acquired from sea foods that are contaminated with organic mercury that comes from the factory.

Meanwhile in 1912, another city had caught Itai Itai disease (Ouch Ouch disease). The mining company had been emitting sulfuric acid which is a poisonous chemical. This sulfuric acid that is ejected from the mining zone flows onto the river where the rice grains get nutrition. And the people who eat this rice often would get this disease.

Another big pollution disease had startle in the city of Yokkaichi. People there did not know why they have difficulties breathing especially in the night. And later on, they have developed a disease that they have called Yokkaichi asthma. This bronchial disease is attained from sulfur oxide that is emitted by petrochemical processing facilities and refineries.

Being a very fast developing and progressive country is not bad, but it has always an equivalent bad consequences. Although they have concurred the problem in the late 20th century, the damage that have been done to thousands of lives and to the environment would never be replaced. But truly, the Japanese people have learned from their mistakes in the past, that is why Japan is now an admirable country. 

Less Waste Christmas Party

Last December 18, 2013, we, the 4th year Mechanical Engineering students of the Don Bosco Technical College held an unusual Christmas party. It was an uncommonly party because unlike the typical Christmas parties in the Philippines where students bring unhealthy foods like fried chicken, pizza, soft drinks, and ice cream; we brought healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, pancit, calamansi juice, chicken and many more healthy foods.

Since we need to produce no waste in this party, we used stainless steel spoon and fork, and wash it after the program. Also, there is a rule that one student must only have one paper plate and plastic cup. And these are disposed properly in the recyclable trash can for well segregation of waste. The seeds of calamansi are buried in the soil so that it could grow as a plant. The bones of the chicken and the leftovers are feed to the dogs so that nothing would be wasted.

This activity is a result of what we have learned on our subject, Environmental Engineering, because this world is having more and more waste as time goes by. Every product that we are buying has an equivalent waste in it. Let us take care of the environment for the future generations and for us to have brighter tomorrow.

Huwebes, Marso 6, 2014

Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2014

Food, water, and energy are necessity for our lives. We all know that we need food to eat and water to drink for us to live, but how about energy? Energy is also very important to our lives. It helps us in our daily transportation, producing the food that we eat, producing power in our home, school and workplace, and many more.

Studies have shown that in four decades, the population in the whole world will rise up to 29% as of the population today. Adding 2 more billion people to our 7 billion population today. In addition to that, millions of people are enjoying higher standards of living. So, if we continue on consuming how much energy that we use today, energy demand will rise up to 50%. As a result, oil and gas companies thought about where to draw on many different sources of energy to meet our needs.

Last February 6-9, the Philippines have hosted the Shell Eco Marathon 2014 at Luneta Park, Manila where more than 1,000 students in 110 teams from more than 16 countries have entered the competition. In this competition, students will design, build, test and run an extreme energy efficient car that could travel longer in just 1 liter of fuel. Some teams that are featured are: India’s passionate students where hundreds have applied just to be part of the team; Indonesia’s teardrop shaped car where they used ethanol to run the car; and our very own, the Philippines’ strong, lightweight car body which is made from banana leaves.

I am very fortunate to have witnessed this kind of event because first, it is not always that the Philippines have hosted this competition, and also, as a Mechanical Engineering student, I could learn a lot just by observing even though I’m not part of the Don Bosco Technical College team.

At the end of the competition, Indonesia and Thailand have emerged major victors with four and three champion titles each respectively. Team How Much Ethanol from Panjavidhya Technological College Thailand drove 2,730km on a litre of ethanol. The team is joined by fellow Thai winners Sakon Nakhon Technical College in the Prototype Gasoline category and Rattanakosin Technological College in the Prototype Battery Electric category.

Although the DBTC Prototype Vehicle failed to finish the competition, our Urban Concept proudly finished 7th out 15 registered participants to end the Shell Eco Marathon Asia.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 27, 2013

Reflection on “The 11th Hour”

1. Describe some of the emotions you felt during the film. Which aspects of the video had the greatest impact on you and why?
            - Upon watching the documentary, I felt guilty and sorry as I contribute on the earth’s destruction. As an example, in some ways on living in this apartment near my school, we are not properly segregating our biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes because the garbage collectors do not say so. Another one is we are not conserving energy as we are not unplugging the electronic devices when not in use. Conservation of water is also not properly done. That’s why, living in this city, I think that the way of thinking of the people here should be changed.

2. What information contained in the video was new to you?
            - I think that the topic of deforestation that can cause drought to the land is new to me because I did not know that it can cause the land to be a desert.
3. What topics presented in the film would you like to explore further? Do you know what you need to know in order to continue learning about environmental issues? If the answer to that question is no, how can you find out what you need to know?
            - I would like to explore the poisoning of the ocean, water, river, springs and streams further because it is chronic here in the Philippines. We could see that these bodies of water here are becoming polluted too, so, I would like know the preventions and the solutions on how to make these clean.
4. Discuss the ways that eating locally produced food is an environmental issue. What can individuals do to support the local production and consumption of foods?
            - The demand of the people for food versus the supply of natural food resources is becoming imbalance. For example; in fishing industry, due to high demand of sea foods, fishermen are searching deeper and deeper in the ocean. And as a result, destruction in the ocean is happening as the fishes are starting to deplete.
5. Who should see this film and for what purpose? Who might be unreceptive to the ideas of the film and why?
            - Everybody should watch this film so that all of us would be aware on what is happening on our environment, and also, everyone would make an action to save the future generation.
6. Share one issue or item that you wrote on your index card while watching The 11th Hour.
            - One issue that I wrote is the proper segregation of wastes because it is a simple way yet one of the biggest ways upon having a healthy environment.
7. As a result of your having seen this film, what, if any, specific actions do you think you will take?
            - As a student, I could do little things like; recycling paper, plastics and plastic bottles, proper segregation for the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes, unplugging the appliances when not in use, using less water, participating n tree-planting programs, participating on “Earth Hour”, and being a role model for good conservation.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 13, 2013

Environmental Sustainability

My father had been always telling me his childhood days in our province at Isabela, Philippines where they have been able to experience fresh air to breath, clean rivers to swim, many big trees to provide shade, a not-so-warm atmosphere to play on, big farmlands and hills full of trees to have an adventure, and many more. He said that he was very lucky to experience any of that and I could be sure of that because of the smile on his face whenever he has been telling me his childhood stories. He also said that my generation and the generation to come are so pitiful because of the worsening environment. And it’s true because we are experiencing an irregular weather where sometimes it’s very hot and sometimes cold; many super typhoons have been developing recently, continuously, and more often than before; dirty air that gives us difficulty in breathing, and many more piteous things.
Environmental sustainability involves making decisions and taking action that are in the interests of protecting the natural world, with particular emphasis on preserving the capability of the environment to support human life. It is an important topic at the present time, as people are realizing the full impact that businesses and individuals can have on the environment. It is about making responsible decisions that will reduce your business' negative impact on the environment. It is not simply about reducing the amount of waste you produce or using less energy, but is concerned with developing processes that will lead to businesses becoming completely sustainable in the future. (toolkit.smallbiz.nsw.gov.au)
Mechanical Engineers are said to be the number one enemy of the environment because that make the fuels, air conditioners, engines that are polluting the earth. And, as a future mechanical engineer, it is my dream of making inventions that would break the pattern and will be able to reduce the pollution so that it will help restore the beautiful environment that we have back then. But, as a student for now, I could do little things like; recycling paper, plastics and plastic bottles, proper segregation for the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes, unplugging the appliances when not in use, using less water, participating n tree-planting programs, participating on “Earth Hour”, writing a blog like this to educate people, and being a role model for good conservation.

In Genesis 2:15, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Also, in Leviticus 25:23-24, the Lord said “The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me. And in all the country you possess, you shall allow redemption of the land.” God has given us a very beautiful place to live in and commanded us to love our mother earth and take care of it. But, instead, we are destroying it. Imagine if God would take it back from us. Where would we live? So, let’s unwind and think of the best ways on helping our environment. Let’s unite together to have a better place for ourselves and for the future generation. Love God and His creations as the way He loves all of us.