Huwebes, Marso 6, 2014

Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2014

Food, water, and energy are necessity for our lives. We all know that we need food to eat and water to drink for us to live, but how about energy? Energy is also very important to our lives. It helps us in our daily transportation, producing the food that we eat, producing power in our home, school and workplace, and many more.

Studies have shown that in four decades, the population in the whole world will rise up to 29% as of the population today. Adding 2 more billion people to our 7 billion population today. In addition to that, millions of people are enjoying higher standards of living. So, if we continue on consuming how much energy that we use today, energy demand will rise up to 50%. As a result, oil and gas companies thought about where to draw on many different sources of energy to meet our needs.

Last February 6-9, the Philippines have hosted the Shell Eco Marathon 2014 at Luneta Park, Manila where more than 1,000 students in 110 teams from more than 16 countries have entered the competition. In this competition, students will design, build, test and run an extreme energy efficient car that could travel longer in just 1 liter of fuel. Some teams that are featured are: India’s passionate students where hundreds have applied just to be part of the team; Indonesia’s teardrop shaped car where they used ethanol to run the car; and our very own, the Philippines’ strong, lightweight car body which is made from banana leaves.

I am very fortunate to have witnessed this kind of event because first, it is not always that the Philippines have hosted this competition, and also, as a Mechanical Engineering student, I could learn a lot just by observing even though I’m not part of the Don Bosco Technical College team.

At the end of the competition, Indonesia and Thailand have emerged major victors with four and three champion titles each respectively. Team How Much Ethanol from Panjavidhya Technological College Thailand drove 2,730km on a litre of ethanol. The team is joined by fellow Thai winners Sakon Nakhon Technical College in the Prototype Gasoline category and Rattanakosin Technological College in the Prototype Battery Electric category.

Although the DBTC Prototype Vehicle failed to finish the competition, our Urban Concept proudly finished 7th out 15 registered participants to end the Shell Eco Marathon Asia.

2 komento:

  1. you've just show that Shell-Eco Marathon is a step to help our environment to be better and to enhance the skill of every student who participate.

  2. shell eco marathon is a good competition for every Engineering students who have skills in building super efficient cars that will promote and help the future in conserving energy. and also it will practice and apply engineering designs that can renew the future and sustain the environment.
